Thursday, August 23, 2012

Scheduling in Linux : Part2

Linux Schedular, CFS(Completely Fair Scheduler)

The main idea behind the CFS is to maintain balance (fairness) in providing processor time to tasks. This means processes should be given a fair amount of the processor.When the time for tasks is out of balance (meaning that one or more tasks are not given a fair amount of time relative to others), then those out-of-balance tasks should be given time to execute.

To determine the balance, the CFS maintains the amount of time provided to a given task in what's called the virtual runtime. The smaller a task's virtual runtime—meaning the smaller amount of time a task has been permitted access to the processor—the higher its need for the processor. The CFS also includes the concept of sleeper fairness to ensure that tasks that are not currently runnable (for example, waiting for I/O) receive a comparable share of the processor when they eventually need it.But rather than maintain the tasks in a run queue, as has been done in prior Linux schedulers, the CFS maintains a time-ordered red-black tree (see Figure 1). A red-black tree is a tree with a couple of interesting and useful properties. First, it's self-balancing, which means that no path in the tree will ever be more than twice as long as any other. Second, operations on the tree occur in O(log n) time (where n is the number of nodes in the tree). This means that you can insert or delete a task quickly and efficiently.


With tasks (represented by sched_entity objects) stored in the time-ordered red-black tree, tasks with the gravest need for the processor (lowest virtual runtime) are stored toward the left side of the tree, and tasks with the least need of the processor (highest virtual runtimes) are stored toward the right side of the tree. The scheduler then, to be fair, picks the left-most node of the red-black tree to schedule next to maintain fairness. The task accounts for its time with the CPU by adding its execution time to the virtual runtime and is then inserted back into the tree if runnable. In this way, tasks on the left side of the tree are given time to execute, and the contents of the tree migrate from the right to the left to maintain fairness. Therefore, each runnable task chases the other to maintain a balance of execution across the set of runnable tasks.


The relationships of the various structures are shown in Figure 2. The root of the tree is referenced via the rb_root element from the cfs_rq structure (in ./kernel/sched.c). Leaves in a red-black tree contain no information, but internal nodes represent one or more tasks that are runnable. Each node in the red-black tree is represented by an rb_node, which contains nothing more than the child references and the color of the parent. The rb_node is contained within the sched_entity structure, which includes the rb_node reference, load weight, and a variety of statistics data. Most importantly, the sched_entity contains the vruntime (64-bit field), which indicates the amount of time the task has run and serves as the index for the red-black tree. Finally, the task_struct sits at the top, which fully describes the task and includes the sched_entity structure.

The scheduling function is quite simple when it comes to the CFS portion. In ./kernel/sched.c, you'll find the generic schedule() function, which preempts the currently running task (unless it preempts itself with yield()). Note that CFS has no real notion of time slices for preemption, because the preemption time is variable. The currently running task (now preempted) is returned to the red-black tree through a call to put_prev_task (via the scheduling class). When the schedule function comes to identifying the next task to schedule, it calls the pick_next_task function. This function is also generic (within ./kernel/sched.c), but it calls the CFS scheduler through the scheduler class. The pick_next_task function in CFS can be found in ./kernel/sched_fair.c (called pick_next_task_fair()). This function simply picks the left-most task from the red-black tree and returns the associated sched_entity. With this reference, a simple call to task_of() identifies the task_struct reference returned. The generic scheduler finally provides the processor to this task.

Priority and CFS
CFS implements priorities by using weighted tasks—each task is assigned a weight based on its static priority. So, while running, the task with lower weight (lower-priority) will see time elapse at a faster rate than that of a higher-priority task. This means its wait_runtime will exhaust more quickly than that of a higher-priority task, so lower-priority tasks will get less CPU time compared to higher-priority tasks.In other words,CFS doesn't use priorities directly but instead uses them as a decay factor for the time a task is permitted to execute. Lower-priority tasks have higher factors of decay, where higher-priority tasks have lower factors of delay. This means that the time a task is permitted to execute dissipates more quickly for a lower-priority task than for a higher-priority task. That's an elegant solution to avoid maintaining run queues per priority.

Group scheduling in CFS
Another interesting aspect of CFS is the concept of group scheduling (introduced with the 2.6.24 kernel). Group scheduling is another way to bring fairness to scheduling, particularly in the face of tasks that spawn many other tasks. Consider a server that spawns many tasks to parallelize incoming connections (a typical architecture for HTTP servers). Instead of all tasks being treated fairly uniformly, CFS introduces groups to account for this behavior. The server process that spawns tasks share their virtual runtimes across the group (in a hierarchy), while the single task maintains its own independent virtual runtime. In this way, the single task receives roughly the same scheduling time as the group. You'll find a /proc interface to manage the process hierarchies, giving you full control over how groups are formed. Using this configuration, you can assign fairness across users, across processes, or a variation of each

Reference :,1

Scheduling in Linux : Part1

The Linux scheduler is an interesting study in competing pressures. On one side are the use models in which Linux is applied. Although Linux was originally developed as a desktop operating system experiment, you'll now find it on servers, tiny embedded devices, mainframes, and supercomputers. Not surprisingly, the scheduling loads for these domains differ. On the other side are the technological advances made in the platform, including architectures (multiprocessing, symmetric multithreading, non-uniform memory access [NUMA]) and virtualization. Also embedded here is the balance between interactivity (user responsiveness) and overall fairness. From this perspective, it's easy to see how difficult the scheduling problem can be within Linux.

Early Linux schedulers used minimal designs, obviously not focused on massive architectures with many processors or even hyperthreading. The 1.2 Linux scheduler used a circular queue for runnable task management that operated with a round-robin scheduling policy. This scheduler was efficient for adding and removing processes (with a lock to protect the structure). In short, the scheduler wasn't complex but was simple and fast.

Linux version 2.2 introduced the idea of scheduling classes, permitting scheduling policies for real-time tasks, non-preemptible tasks, and non-real-time tasks. The 2.2 scheduler also included support for symmetric multiprocessing (SMP).

The 2.4 kernel included a relatively simple scheduler that operated in O(N) time (as it iterated over every task during a scheduling event). The 2.4 scheduler divided time into epochs, and within each epoch, every task was allowed to execute up to its time slice. If a task did not use all of its time slice, then half of the remaining time slice was added to the new time slice to allow it to execute longer in the next epoch. The scheduler would simply iterate over the tasks, applying a goodness function (metric) to determine which task to execute next. Although this approach was relatively simple, it was relatively inefficient, lacked scalability, and was weak for real-time systems. It also lacked features to exploit new hardware architectures such as multi-core processors.

The early 2.6 scheduler, called the O(1) scheduler, was designed to solve many of the problems with the 2.4 scheduler—namely, the scheduler was not required to iterate the entire task list to identify the next task to schedule (resulting in its name, O(1), which meant that it was much more efficient and much more scalable). The O(1) scheduler kept track of runnable tasks in a run queue (actually, two run queues for each priority level—one for active and one for expired tasks), which meant that to identify the task to execute next, the scheduler simply needed to dequeue the next task off the specific active per-priority run queue. The O(1) scheduler was much more scalable and incorporated interactivity metrics with numerous heuristics to determine whether tasks were I/O-bound or processor-bound. But the O(1) scheduler became unwieldy in the kernel. The large mass of code needed to calculate heuristics was fundamentally difficult to manage and, for the purist, lacked algorithmic substance.

Linux's Old O(1) Scheduler
The Linux scheduler was overhauled completely with the release of kernel 2.6. This new scheduler is called the O(1) scheduler—O(...) is referred to as “big O notation”. The name was chosen because the scheduler's algorithm required constant time to make a scheduling decision, regardless of the number of tasks. The algorithm used by the O(1) scheduler relies on active and expired arrays of processes to achieve constant scheduling time. Each process is given a fixed time quantum, after which it is preempted and moved to the expired array. Once all the tasks from the active array have exhausted their time quantum and have been moved to the expired array, an array switch takes place. This switch makes the active array the new empty expired array, while the expired array becomes the active array.
The main issue with this algorithm is the complex heuristics used to mark a task as interactive or non-interactive. The algorithm tries to identify interactive processes by analyzing average sleep time (the amount of time the process spends waiting for input). Processes that sleep for long periods of time probably are waiting for user input, so the scheduler assumes they're interactive. The scheduler gives a priority bonus to interactive tasks (for better throughput) while penalizing non-interactive tasks by lowering their priorities. All the calculations to determine the interactivity of tasks are complex and subject to potential miscalculations, causing non-interactive behavior from an interactive process.

Difference between Kernel Threads and User Threads Scheduling
The difference here is that, for kernel-space tasks, the interrupt is guaranteed to return the CPU back to the task sooner or later. For user-space tasks, the interrupt could cause another task to be scheduled on that CPU, and execution of other tasks might well happen - here the user-space task must be chosen again by the scheduler. Of course this explanation is not the entire story (as usual) - firstly, there are kernel-space subsystems that can register code to be run on the way back from an interrupt, such as bottom halves and tasklets. This does not changes the fact, however, that the scheduler will not be involved in the interruption of a kernel-space task. Secondly, interrupts can interrupt interrupts - a salient example is the ARM architecture, where fast interrupts (FIQs) have a higher hardware priority than normal interrupts (IRQs). So in fact return from an FIQ can return to another interrupt handler. Sooner or later though, the original interrupt will complete and return the CPU to a kernel-space task.

Processes fibers, threads etc , all are treated as task in the kernel
Remember, to the scheduler and the kernel at large, every schedulable object (i.e. anything that can be chosen by the schedule() routine) is known as a task. No distinction is made between any of these objects, so what are often called processes, LWPs, kernel threads, fibers, threads, etc. are all just tasks to the kernel, each of them with their own particular characteristics. This is a big win in terms of kernel cleanliness - there is no real reason to separate the cases out.These characteristics are particularly interesting though. For example some tasks may have user space memory mappings and stack - a typical example being a user space process. The term process context is used to refer to one of these tasks executing in kernel space - they have both user space mappings, and the (possibly temporary) kernel mappings and stack. In this context copying to and from user memory makes sense.Once again, what are sometimes known as "kernel threads" or "fibers" are not treated differently from other tasks. They may have user-space memory mappings just like "normal" processes. The only distinguishing feature here is that the code executed by the kernel thread comes from the kernel or module image, rather than from binary process images.The term interrupt context is often used to mean code currently executing as a result of a hardware interrupt. This encompasses bottom halves, ISRs, softirqs, and tasklets. Here there is no associated task as such so it is meaningless to schedule (and in fact a panicking bug). This also means that you cannot sleep here, as this implies a schedule.

References :

Operating Systems Lecture Notes,Martin C. Rinard

Operating Systems Lecture Notes
Lecture 6
CPU Scheduling

Martin C. Rinard
  • What is CPU scheduling? Determining which processes run when there are multiple runnable processes. Why is it important? Because it can can have a big effect on resource utilization and the overall performance of the system.
  • By the way, the world went through a long period (late 80's, early 90's) in which the most popular operating systems (DOS, Mac) had NO sophisticated CPU scheduling algorithms. They were single threaded and ran one process at a time until the user directs them to run another process. Why was this true? More recent systems (Windows NT) are back to having sophisticated CPU scheduling algorithms. What drove the change, and what will happen in the future?
  • Basic assumptions behind most scheduling algorithms:
    • There is a pool of runnable processes contending for the CPU.
    • The processes are independent and compete for resources.
    • The job of the scheduler is to distribute the scarce resource of the CPU to the different processes ``fairly'' (according to some definition of fairness) and in a way that optimizes some performance criteria.
    In general, these assumptions are starting to break down. First of all, CPUs are not really that scarce - almost everybody has several, and pretty soon people will be able to afford lots. Second, many applications are starting to be structured as multiple cooperating processes. So, a view of the scheduler as mediating between competing entities may be partially obsolete.
  • How do processes behave? First, CPU/IO burst cycle. A process will run for a while (the CPU burst), perform some IO (the IO burst), then run for a while more (the next CPU burst). How long between IO operations? Depends on the process.
    • IO Bound processes: processes that perform lots of IO operations. Each IO operation is followed by a short CPU burst to process the IO, then more IO happens.
    • CPU bound processes: processes that perform lots of computation and do little IO. Tend to have a few long CPU bursts.
    One of the things a scheduler will typically do is switch the CPU to another process when one process does IO. Why? The IO will take a long time, and don't want to leave the CPU idle while wait for the IO to finish.
  • When look at CPU burst times across the whole system, have the exponential or hyperexponential distribution in Fig. 5.2.
  • What are possible process states?
    • Running - process is running on CPU.
    • Ready - ready to run, but not actually running on the CPU.
    • Waiting - waiting for some event like IO to happen.
  • When do scheduling decisions take place? When does CPU choose which process to run? Are a variety of possibilities:
    • When process switches from running to waiting. Could be because of IO request, because wait for child to terminate, or wait for synchronization operation (like lock acquisition) to complete.
    • When process switches from running to ready - on completion of interrupt handler, for example. Common example of interrupt handler - timer interrupt in interactive systems. If scheduler switches processes in this case, it has preempted the running process. Another common case interrupt handler is the IO completion handler.
    • When process switches from waiting to ready state (on completion of IO or acquisition of a lock, for example).
    • When a process terminates.
  • How to evaluate scheduling algorithm? There are many possible criteria:
    • CPU Utilization: Keep CPU utilization as high as possible. (What is utilization, by the way?).
    • Throughput: number of processes completed per unit time.
    • Turnaround Time: mean time from submission to completion of process.
    • Waiting Time: Amount of time spent ready to run but not running.
    • Response Time: Time between submission of requests and first response to the request.
    • Scheduler Efficiency: The scheduler doesn't perform any useful work, so any time it takes is pure overhead. So, need to make the scheduler very efficient.
  • Big difference: Batch and Interactive systems. In batch systems, typically want good throughput or turnaround time. In interactive systems, both of these are still usually important (after all, want some computation to happen), but response time is usually a primary consideration. And, for some systems, throughput or turnaround time is not really relevant - some processes conceptually run forever.
  • Difference between long and short term scheduling. Long term scheduler is given a set of processes and decides which ones should start to run. Once they start running, they may suspend because of IO or because of preemption. Short term scheduler decides which of the available jobs that long term scheduler has decided are runnable to actually run.
  • Let's start looking at several vanilla scheduling algorithms.
  • First-Come, First-Served. One ready queue, OS runs the process at head of queue, new processes come in at the end of the queue. A process does not give up CPU until it either terminates or performs IO.
  • Consider performance of FCFS algorithm for three compute-bound processes. What if have 4 processes P1 (takes 24 seconds), P2 (takes 3 seconds) and P3 (takes 3 seconds). If arrive in order P1, P2, P3, what is
    • Waiting Time? (24 + 27) / 3 = 17
    • Turnaround Time? (24 + 27 + 30) = 27.
    • Throughput? 30 / 3 = 10.
    What about if processes come in order P2, P3, P1? What is
    • Waiting Time? (3 + 3) / 2 = 6
    • Turnaround Time? (3 + 6 + 30) = 13.
    • Throughput? 30 / 3 = 10.
  • Shortest-Job-First (SJF) can eliminate some of the variance in Waiting and Turnaround time. In fact, it is optimal with respect to average waiting time. Big problem: how does scheduler figure out how long will it take the process to run?
  • For long term scheduler running on a batch system, user will give an estimate. Usually pretty good - if it is too short, system will cancel job before it finishes. If too long, system will hold off on running the process. So, users give pretty good estimates of overall running time.
  • For short-term scheduler, must use the past to predict the future. Standard way: use a time-decayed exponentially weighted average of previous CPU bursts for each process. Let Tn be the measured burst time of the nth burst, sn be the predicted size of next CPU burst. Then, choose a weighting factor w, where 0 <= w <= 1 and compute sn+1 = w Tn + (1 - w)sns0 is defined as some default constant or system average.
  • w tells how to weight the past relative to future. If choose w = .5, last observation has as much weight as entire rest of the history. If choose w = 1, only last observation has any weight. Do a quick example.
  • Preemptive vs. Non-preemptive SJF scheduler. Preemptive scheduler reruns scheduling decision when process becomes ready. If the new process has priority over running process, the CPU preempts the running process and executes the new process. Non-preemptive scheduler only does scheduling decision when running process voluntarily gives up CPU. In effect, it allows every running process to finish its CPU burst.
  • Consider 4 processes P1 (burst time 8), P2 (burst time 4), P3 (burst time 9) P4 (burst time 5) that arrive one time unit apart in order P1, P2, P3, P4. Assume that after burst happens, process is not reenabled for a long time (at least 100, for example). What does a preemptive SJF scheduler do? What about a non-preemptive scheduler?
  • Priority Scheduling. Each process is given a priority, then CPU executes process with highest priority. If multiple processes with same priority are runnable, use some other criteria - typically FCFS. SJF is an example of a priority-based scheduling algorithm. With the exponential decay algorithm above, the priorities of a given process change over time.
  • Assume we have 5 processes P1 (burst time 10, priority 3), P2 (burst time 1, priority 1), P3 (burst time 2, priority 3), P4 (burst time 1, priority 4), P5 (burst time 5, priority 2). Lower numbers represent higher priorities. What would a standard priority scheduler do?
  • Big problem with priority scheduling algorithms: starvation or blocking of low-priority processes. Can use aging to prevent this - make the priority of a process go up the longer it stays runnable but isn't run.
  • What about interactive systems? Cannot just let any process run on the CPU until it gives it up - must give response to users in a reasonable time. So, use an algorithm called round-robin scheduling. Similar to FCFS but with preemption. Have a time quantum or time slice. Let the first process in the queue run until it expires its quantum (i.e. runs for as long as the time quantum), then run the next process in the queue.
  • Implementing round-robin requires timer interrupts. When schedule a process, set the timer to go off after the time quantum amount of time expires. If process does IO before timer goes off, no problem - just run next process. But if process expires its quantum, do a context switch. Save the state of the running process and run the next process.
  • How well does RR work? Well, it gives good response time, but can give bad waiting time. Consider the waiting times under round robin for 3 processes P1 (burst time 24), P2 (burst time 3), and P3 (burst time 4) with time quantum 4. What happens, and what is average waiting time? What gives best waiting time?
  • What happens with really a really small quantum? It looks like you've got a CPU that is 1/n as powerful as the real CPU, where n is the number of processes. Problem with a small quantum - context switch overhead.
  • What about having a really small quantum supported in hardware? Then, you have something called multithreading. Give the CPU a bunch of registers and heavily pipeline the execution. Feed the processes into the pipe one by one. Treat memory access like IO - suspend the thread until the data comes back from the memory. In the meantime, execute other threads. Use computation to hide the latency of accessing memory.
  • What about a really big quantum? It turns into FCFS. Rule of thumb - want 80 percent of CPU bursts to be shorter than time quantum.
  • Multilevel Queue Scheduling - like RR, except have multiple queues. Typically, classify processes into separate categories and give a queue to each category. So, might have system, interactive and batch processes, with the priorities in that order. Could also allocate a percentage of the CPU to each queue.
  • Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling - Like multilevel scheduling, except processes can move between queues as their priority changes. Can be used to give IO bound and interactive processes CPU priority over CPU bound processes. Can also prevent starvation by increasing the priority of processes that have been idle for a long time.
  • A simple example of a multilevel feedback queue scheduling algorithm. Have 3 queues, numbered 0, 1, 2 with corresponding priority. So, for example, execute a task in queue 2 only when queues 0 and 1 are empty.
  • A process goes into queue 0 when it becomes ready. When run a process from queue 0, give it a quantum of 8 ms. If it expires its quantum, move to queue 1. When execute a process from queue 1, give it a quantum of 16. If it expires its quantum, move to queue 2. In queue 2, run a RR scheduler with a large quantum if in an interactive system or an FCFS scheduler if in a batch system. Of course, preempt queue 2 processes when a new process becomes ready.
  • Another example of a multilevel feedback queue scheduling algorithm: the Unix scheduler. We will go over a simplified version that does not include kernel priorities. The point of the algorithm is to fairly allocate the CPU between processes, with processes that have not recently used a lot of CPU resources given priority over processes that have.
  • Processes are given a base priority of 60, with lower numbers representing higher priorities. The system clock generates an interrupt between 50 and 100 times a second, so we will assume a value of 60 clock interrupts per second. The clock interrupt handler increments a CPU usage field in the PCB of the interrupted process every time it runs.
  • The system always runs the highest priority process. If there is a tie, it runs the process that has been ready longest. Every second, it recalculates the priority and CPU usage field for every process according to the following formulas.
    • CPU usage field = CPU usage field / 2
    • Priority = CPU usage field / 2 + base priority
  • So, when a process does not use much CPU recently, its priority rises. The priorities of IO bound processes and interactive processes therefore tend to be high and the priorities of CPU bound processes tend to be low (which is what you want).
  • Unix also allows users to provide a ``nice'' value for each process. Nice values modify the priority calculation as follows:
    • Priority = CPU usage field / 2 + base priority + nice value
    So, you can reduce the priority of your process to be ``nice'' to other processes (which may include your own).
  • In general, multilevel feedback queue schedulers are complex pieces of software that must be tuned to meet requirements.
  • Anomalies and system effects associated with schedulers.
  • Priority interacts with synchronization to create a really nasty effect called priority inversion. A priority inversion happens when a low-priority thread acquires a lock, then a high-priority thread tries to acquire the lock and blocks. Any middle-priority threads will prevent the low-priority thread from running and unlocking the lock. In effect, the middle-priority threads block the high-priority thread.
  • How to prevent priority inversions? Use priority inheritance. Any time a thread holds a lock that other threads are waiting on, give the thread the priority of the highest-priority thread waiting to get the lock. Problem is that priority inheritance makes the scheduling algorithm less efficient and increases the overhead.
  • Preemption can interact with synchronization in a multiprocessor context to create another nasty effect - the convoy effect. One thread acquires the lock, then suspends. Other threads come along, and need to acquire the lock to perform their operations. Everybody suspends until the lock that has the thread wakes up. At this point the threads are synchronized, and will convoy their way through the lock, serializing the computation. So, drives down the processor utilization.
  • If have non-blocking synchronization via operations like LL/SC, don't get convoy effects caused by suspending a thread competing for access to a resource. Why not? Because threads don't hold resources and prevent other threads from accessing them.
  • Similar effect when scheduling CPU and IO bound processes. Consider a FCFS algorithm with several IO bound and one CPU bound process. All of the IO bound processes execute their bursts quickly and queue up for access to the IO device. The CPU bound process then executes for a long time. During this time all of the IO bound processes have their IO requests satisfied and move back into the run queue. But they don't run - the CPU bound process is running instead - so the IO device idles. Finally, the CPU bound process gets off the CPU, and all of the IO bound processes run for a short time then queue up again for the IO devices. Result is poor utilization of IO device - it is busy for a time while it processes the IO requests, then idle while the IO bound processes wait in the run queues for their short CPU bursts. In this case an easy solution is to give IO bound processes priority over CPU bound processes.
  • In general, a convoy effect happens when a set of processes need to use a resource for a short time, and one process holds the resource for a long time, blocking all of the other processes. Causes poor utilization of the other resources in the system.

Operating Systems Lecture Notes, Copyright 1997 Martin C. Rinard