Thursday, August 23, 2012

Scheduling in Linux : Part2

Linux Schedular, CFS(Completely Fair Scheduler)

The main idea behind the CFS is to maintain balance (fairness) in providing processor time to tasks. This means processes should be given a fair amount of the processor.When the time for tasks is out of balance (meaning that one or more tasks are not given a fair amount of time relative to others), then those out-of-balance tasks should be given time to execute.

To determine the balance, the CFS maintains the amount of time provided to a given task in what's called the virtual runtime. The smaller a task's virtual runtime—meaning the smaller amount of time a task has been permitted access to the processor—the higher its need for the processor. The CFS also includes the concept of sleeper fairness to ensure that tasks that are not currently runnable (for example, waiting for I/O) receive a comparable share of the processor when they eventually need it.But rather than maintain the tasks in a run queue, as has been done in prior Linux schedulers, the CFS maintains a time-ordered red-black tree (see Figure 1). A red-black tree is a tree with a couple of interesting and useful properties. First, it's self-balancing, which means that no path in the tree will ever be more than twice as long as any other. Second, operations on the tree occur in O(log n) time (where n is the number of nodes in the tree). This means that you can insert or delete a task quickly and efficiently.


With tasks (represented by sched_entity objects) stored in the time-ordered red-black tree, tasks with the gravest need for the processor (lowest virtual runtime) are stored toward the left side of the tree, and tasks with the least need of the processor (highest virtual runtimes) are stored toward the right side of the tree. The scheduler then, to be fair, picks the left-most node of the red-black tree to schedule next to maintain fairness. The task accounts for its time with the CPU by adding its execution time to the virtual runtime and is then inserted back into the tree if runnable. In this way, tasks on the left side of the tree are given time to execute, and the contents of the tree migrate from the right to the left to maintain fairness. Therefore, each runnable task chases the other to maintain a balance of execution across the set of runnable tasks.


The relationships of the various structures are shown in Figure 2. The root of the tree is referenced via the rb_root element from the cfs_rq structure (in ./kernel/sched.c). Leaves in a red-black tree contain no information, but internal nodes represent one or more tasks that are runnable. Each node in the red-black tree is represented by an rb_node, which contains nothing more than the child references and the color of the parent. The rb_node is contained within the sched_entity structure, which includes the rb_node reference, load weight, and a variety of statistics data. Most importantly, the sched_entity contains the vruntime (64-bit field), which indicates the amount of time the task has run and serves as the index for the red-black tree. Finally, the task_struct sits at the top, which fully describes the task and includes the sched_entity structure.

The scheduling function is quite simple when it comes to the CFS portion. In ./kernel/sched.c, you'll find the generic schedule() function, which preempts the currently running task (unless it preempts itself with yield()). Note that CFS has no real notion of time slices for preemption, because the preemption time is variable. The currently running task (now preempted) is returned to the red-black tree through a call to put_prev_task (via the scheduling class). When the schedule function comes to identifying the next task to schedule, it calls the pick_next_task function. This function is also generic (within ./kernel/sched.c), but it calls the CFS scheduler through the scheduler class. The pick_next_task function in CFS can be found in ./kernel/sched_fair.c (called pick_next_task_fair()). This function simply picks the left-most task from the red-black tree and returns the associated sched_entity. With this reference, a simple call to task_of() identifies the task_struct reference returned. The generic scheduler finally provides the processor to this task.

Priority and CFS
CFS implements priorities by using weighted tasks—each task is assigned a weight based on its static priority. So, while running, the task with lower weight (lower-priority) will see time elapse at a faster rate than that of a higher-priority task. This means its wait_runtime will exhaust more quickly than that of a higher-priority task, so lower-priority tasks will get less CPU time compared to higher-priority tasks.In other words,CFS doesn't use priorities directly but instead uses them as a decay factor for the time a task is permitted to execute. Lower-priority tasks have higher factors of decay, where higher-priority tasks have lower factors of delay. This means that the time a task is permitted to execute dissipates more quickly for a lower-priority task than for a higher-priority task. That's an elegant solution to avoid maintaining run queues per priority.

Group scheduling in CFS
Another interesting aspect of CFS is the concept of group scheduling (introduced with the 2.6.24 kernel). Group scheduling is another way to bring fairness to scheduling, particularly in the face of tasks that spawn many other tasks. Consider a server that spawns many tasks to parallelize incoming connections (a typical architecture for HTTP servers). Instead of all tasks being treated fairly uniformly, CFS introduces groups to account for this behavior. The server process that spawns tasks share their virtual runtimes across the group (in a hierarchy), while the single task maintains its own independent virtual runtime. In this way, the single task receives roughly the same scheduling time as the group. You'll find a /proc interface to manage the process hierarchies, giving you full control over how groups are formed. Using this configuration, you can assign fairness across users, across processes, or a variation of each

Reference :,1

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