Sunday, September 6, 2009

C skills : tutor 5: StrStr Library function

char *strstr(char *string1, char *string2);


The strstr function locates the first occurrence of the string string2 in the string string1 and returns a pointer to the beginning of the first occurrence.

Return Value

The strstr function returns a pointer within string1 that points to a string identical to string2. If no such sub string exists in src a null pointer is returned.

/* user defined strstr */

#include "stdio.h"

char * strstr_ud(char *, char *);

int main()

char s1 [] = "This House is Nice";
char s2 [] = "My Car is White";

printf("Returned String 1: %s\n", strstr_ud(s1, "House"));
printf("Returned String 2: %s\n", strstr_ud(s2, "Car"));
return 0;


char * strstr_ud(char * str1, char * str2)

char *temp1=NULL;
char *temp2=NULL;

temp2 = str2;
while(*str1++ != '\0')

if(*str2 == *str1)
temp1 = str1;

while(*str2 != '\0')
if(*str2 != *temp1)
flag = 1;
flag = 0;

if(flag == 0)
return str1;
str2 = temp2;



return NULL;


House is Nice
Car is White

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