Friday, February 21, 2014

ARM Architecture Basics

The ARM core uses a RISC architecture. RISC is a design philosophy aimed at delivering simple but powerful instructions that execute within a single cycle at a high clock speed. The RISC philosophy concentrates on reducing the complexity of instructions performed by the hardware because it is easier to provide greater flexibility and intelligence in software rather than hardware.As a result, a RISC design places greater demands on the compiler. In contrast, the traditional complex instruction set computer (CISC) relies more on the hardware for instruction functionality, and consequently the CISC instructions are more complicated.

RISC philosophy
1.Instructions —RISC processors have a reduced number of instruction classes. These classes provide simple operations that can each execute in a single cycle. The compiler or programmer synthesizes complicated operations (for example, a divide operation) by combining several simple instructions.

Each instruction is a fixed length to allow the pipeline to fetch future instructions before decoding the current instruction. In contrast, in CISC processors the instructions are often of variable size and take many cycles to execute.

2.Pipelines —The processing of instructions is broken down into smaller units that can be executed in parallel by pipelines. Ideally the pipeline advances by one step on each cycle for maximum throughput. Instructions can be decoded in one pipeline stage.There is no need for an instruction to be executed by a mini-program called microcode as on CISC processors.

3.Registers —RISC machines have a large general-purpose register set. Any register can contain either data or an address. Registers act as the fast local memory store for all data processing operations. In contrast, CISC processors have dedicated registers for specific purposes.

4.Load-store architecture —The processor operates on data held in registers. Separate load and store instructions transfer data between the register bank and external memory.Memory accesses are costly, so separating memory accesses from data processing provides an advantage because you can use data items held in the register bank multiple times without needing multiple memory accesses. In contrast, with a CISC design the data processing operations can act on memory directly.

ARM Register Set
The processor can operate in seven different modes, which we will introduce shortly. All the registers are 32 bits in size. There are up to 18 active registers: 16 data registers and 2 processor status registers. The data registers are visible to the programmer as r0 to r15. The ARM processor has three registers assigned to a particular task or special function: r13, r14, and r15. They are frequently given different labels to differentiate them from the other registers.

■ Register r13 is traditionally used as the stack pointer (sp) and stores the head of the stack in the current processor mode.
■ Register r14 is called the link register (lr) and is where the core puts the return address  whenever it calls a subroutine.
■ Register r15 is the program counter (pc) and contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched by the processor.

Depending upon the context, registers r13 and r14 can also be used as general-purpose registers, which can be particularly useful since these registers are banked during a processor mode change. However, it is dangerous to use r13 as a general register when the processor is running any form of operating system because operating systems often assume that r13 always points to a valid stack frame. 

In ARM state the registers r0 to r13 are orthogonal—any instruction that you can apply to r0 you can equally well apply to any of the other registers. However, there are instructions that treat r14 and r15 in a special way. In addition to the 16 data registers, there are two program status registers: cpsr and spsr(the current and saved program status registers, respectively). The register file contains all the registers available to a programmer. Which registers are visible to the programmer depend upon the current mode of the processor.

Figure above shows all 37 registers in the register file. Of those, 20 registers are hidden from a program at different times. These registers are called banked registers and are identified by the shading in the diagram. They are available only when the processor is in a particular mode;

for example, abort mode has banked registers r13_abt, r14_abt and spsr_abt. Banked registers of a particular mode are denoted by an underline character post-fixed to the mode mnemonic or _mode.

Every processor mode except user mode can change mode by writing directly to the mode bits of the cpsr. All processor modes except system mode have a set of associated banked registers that are a subset of the main 16 registers. A banked register maps one-to-one onto a user mode register. If you change processor mode, a banked register from the new mode will replace an existing register.

For example, when the processor is in the interrupt request mode, the instructions you execute still access registers named r13 and r14. However, these registers are the banked registers r13_irq and r14_irq. The user mode registers r13_usr and r14_usr are not affected by the instruction referencing these registers. A program still has normal access to the other registers r0 to r12. The processor mode can be changed by a program that writes directly to the cpsr (the processor core has to be in privileged mode) or by hardware when the core responds to an exception or interrupt. The following exceptions and interrupts cause a mode change: reset, interrupt request, fast interrupt request, software interrupt, data abort, prefetch abort, and undefined instruction. Exceptions and interrupts suspend the normal execution of sequential instructions and jump to a specific location.

Another important feature to note is that the cpsr is not copied into the spsr when a mode change is forced due to a program writing directly to the cpsr. The saving of the cpsr only occurs when an exception or interrupt is raised.

Current Program Status Register
The ARM core uses the cpsr to monitor and control internal operations. The cpsr is a dedicated 32-bit register and resides in the register file. Figure below shows the basic layout of a generic program status register. Note that the shaded parts are reserved for future expansion. The cpsr is divided into four fields, each 8 bits wide: flags, status, extension, and control. In current designs the extension and status fields are reserved for future use. The control field contains the processor mode, state, and interrupt mask bits. The flags field contains the condition flags. Some ARM processor cores have extra bits allocated. For example, the J bit, which can be found in the flags field, is only available on Jazelle-enabled processors, which execute 8-bit instructions. It is highly probable that future designs will assign extra bits for the monitoring and control of new features.

Condition flags
Q - Saturation the result causes an overflow and/or saturation
V - oVerflow the result causes a signed overflow
C - Carry the result causes an unsigned carry
Z - Zero the result is zero, frequently used to indicate equality
N - Negative bit 31 of the result is a binary 1

Processor Modes 
The processor mode determines which registers are active and the access rights to the cpsr register itself. Each processor mode is either privileged or non-privileged: A privileged mode allows full read-write access to the cpsr. Conversely, a non-privileged mode only allows read access to the control field in the cpsr but still allows read-write access to the condition flags. There are seven processor modes in total: six privileged modes (abort, fast interrupt request, interrupt request, supervisor, system, and undefined) and one non-privileged mode (user). The processor enters abort mode when there is a failed attempt to access memory. Fast interrupt request and interrupt request modes correspond to the two interrupt levels available on the ARM processor. Supervisor mode is the mode that the processor is in after reset and is generally the mode that an operating system kernel operates in. System mode is a special version of user mode that allows full read-write access to the cpsr. Undefined mode is used when the processor encounters an instruction that is undefined or not supported by the implementation. User mode is used for programs and applications.

Use of System mode for exception handling

Corruption of the link register can be a problem when handling multiple exceptions of the same type.ARMv4 and later architectures include a privileged mode called System mode, to overcome this problem. System mode shares the same registers as User mode, it can run tasks that require privileged access, and exceptions no longer overwrite the link register.Note that the System mode cannot be entered by an exception. The exception handlers modify the CPSR to enter System mode.

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