Friday, February 21, 2014

ARM : How to minimize Interrupt Latency?

Interrupt-driven embedded systems have to fight a battle with interrupt latency—the interval of time from an external interrupt request signal being raised to the first fetch of an instruction of a specific interrupt service routine (ISR). Interrupt latency depends on a combination of hardware and software. System architects must balance the system design to handle multiple simultaneous interrupt sources and minimize interrupt latency. If the interrupts are not handled in a timely manner, then the system will exhibit slow response times. Software handlers have two main methods to minimize interrupt latency.

The first method is to use a nested interrupt handler, which allows further interrupts to occur even when currently servicing an existing interrupt (see Figure Below). This is achieved by re-enabling the interrupts as soon as the interrupt source has been serviced (so it won’t generate more interrupts) but before the interrupt handling is complete. Once a nested interrupt has been serviced, then control is relinquished to the original interrupt service routine.

However I would like to quote Jack Ganssle here :-
"No matter how carefully you build the application, you'll be turning interrupts off frequently. Even code that never issues a "disable interrupt" instruction does, indeed, disable them often. For, every time a hardware event issues an interrupt request, the processor itself does an automatic disable, one that stays in effect till you explicitly re-enable them inside of the ISR. Count on skyrocketing latency as a result.

Of course, on many processors we don't so much as turn interrupts off as change priority levels. A 68K receiving an interrupt on level 5 will prohibit all interrupts at this and lower levels till our code explicitly re-enables them in the ISR. Higher priority devices will still function, but latency for all level 1 to 5 devices is infinity till the code does its thing.

So, in an ISR re-enable interrupts as soon as possible. When reading code one of my "rules of thumb" is that code which does the enable just before the return is probably flawed. Most of us were taught to defer the interrupt enable till the end of the ISR. But that prolongs latency unacceptably. Every other interrupt (at least at or below that priority level) will be shut down till the ISR completes. Better: enter the routine, do all of the non-reentrant things (like handling hardware), and then enable interrupts. Run the rest of the ISR, which manages reentrant variables and the like with interrupts on. You'll reduce latency and increase system performance.

The downside might be a need for more stack space if that same interrupt can re-invoke itself. There's nothing wrong with this in a properly designed and reentrant ISR, but the stack will grow till all pending interrupts get serviced"

The second method involves prioritization. You program the interrupt controller to ignore interrupts of the same or lower priority than the interrupt you are handling, so only a higher-priority task can interrupt your handler. You then re-enable interrupts.The processor spends time in the lower-priority interrupts until a higher-priority interrupt occurs. Therefore higher-priority interrupts have a lower average interrupt latency than the lower-priority interrupts, which reduces latency by speeding up the completion time on the critical time-sensitive interrupts.

ARM system developer's guide.

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